Micro Ceramics provides parts made of zirconium for a wide range of applications, including: dental crowns and bridges, medical prostheses, precision ball valve, pump seals, oxygen sensors, fuel cell membranes, metrology components, bearings, bushes, and drive shafts.
Key zirconia properties:
- High fracture toughness (5-8 MPam1/2 )
- High density (5.6 to 6.0 g/cm3)
- High hardness and wear resistance
- Good frictional behavior
- High temperature capability up to 2,400ºC
- Non-magnetic
- Low thermal conductivity (3 W/ m・K @ 25°C)
- Electrical insulation
- Coefficient of thermal expansion similar to iron (10.0 – 10.8 ×10-6/℃)
- Modulus of elasticity similar to steel (200 – 220 GPa)
See properties table for more information.